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布拉克斯顿计划使北卡罗来纳州成为第一大商业州 工人

北卡罗来纳州应该成为商业第一州 工人。作为下一任劳工专员,我将通过以下方式支持北卡罗来纳州的工薪家庭和企业:

  • working to eliminate poverty in our NC workforces. Poverty is a policy choice. We need labor policies that protect workers and ensure dignity. No working North Carolinian with a full time job should be in living in poverty. We will work to eliminate poverty in our workforces by fighting for the marginalized, the workers living in poverty, and the left behind workers.

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  • closing the digital divide and training our next workforce. Being digitally connected means more than just having internet. 1.1M North Carolina households lack access to high-speed internet, cannot afford it, and/or do not have the skills needed to utilize the digital economy.​ As Commissioner of Labor, I will make equitable investments so workers can find their way into the workforce and ensure both urban and rural communities achieve digital equity through public-private partnerships. I will also:

    • work to ​uplift populations destabilized due to interactions with the criminal justice system. The best way to keep people out of cycles of recidivism is to ensure they are able to secure a job. By making training more readily available for the future workforce, more people will have the ability to become employed.

    • create apprenticeship opportunities and foster mentor-mentee relationships with our young people. By creating continuums of wisdom we can ensure that the future workforce of North Carolina continues to fuel the growth of our state.​​

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  • working with partners to increase access to health care for all workers. ​When workers are mentally and physically healthy, companies succeed. The bottom line is when workers are sick, work suffers. Businesses are efficient and productive when workers are able to access care to get and stay healthy.​

  • advocating for accessible and well-funded child care. Affordable, reliable, and quality child care is the key to providing upward economic mobility. Inaccessible child care reduces the productivity of our workforces. I have always been an advocate for accessible and well-funded child care. We know the effects. It is clear that quality child care helps strengthen families and build community.

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  • providing dependable access to transportation. As Commissioner of Labor, I will work with public and private partners in our local communities to take advantage of the historic Federal infrastructure resources on behalf of NC workers. Communities that are accessible empower their workers – and these same communities become desirable for businesses to come to and workers to live in. Dependable access to work advances economic development.

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  • working with partners to increase access to affordable housing. By having a safe and secure place to sleep at night or even a path to home ownership, working residents are able to accumulate wealth, in turn helping stabilize communities. ​In addition, we must work towards eliminating homelessness in North Carolina with a focus on our veteran population. We must ensure that our veterans and their families have on-ramps to jobs when their sacrifices to our state and nation are complete.

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  • reducing the number of workers living in a food desert. According to a 2022 WRAL report, more than 1.6M NC residents live in a food desert. These are low-income rural areas that are more than 10 miles from a grocery store or low-income urban areas that are more than one mile from a grocery store.

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2024 年 11 月 5 日在全州范围内为布拉克斯顿投票。

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